• Hatewatch

Croatian Extremist Joins White Hate Group Leadership

Larry Keller

A popular speaker at gatherings of white supremacists and anti-Semites has joined the board of directors of the nascent white nationalist political party, American Third Position (A3P).

Tomislav Sunic, who describes himself as a former professor, Croatian diplomat and author, has spoken on multiple occasions to the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) and the Institute for Historical Review (IHR). The CCC is a racist hate group directly descended from the White Citizens Councils of the 1950s and 1960s that were once famously described by future Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall as the “uptown Klan.” The IHR is a Holocaust-denying organization and publisher. He has also spoken at events organized by the neo-Nazi National Alliance, including a February 2003 “Euro-Fest” in Sacramento, Calif., where his central theme was that Europe has been repeatedly invaded by “alien” peoples and that whites have become a minority in Western Europe. He railed on about non-white immigrants, ending with the Turkish workers who have moved to Germany. “The Turks,” he said, “are enslaving white people in Germany.”

Sunic spoke this March 6 at an IHR gathering in California that was attended by William Daniel Johnson and Kevin MacDonald, the chairman and director, respectively, of the A3P. In that appearance, Sunic lamented what he characterized as vindictive treatment of Germans in the aftermath of World War II.

Johnson, a lawyer who has been a white supremacist activist for nearly three decades, has run for offices in three states, losing badly each time. MacDonald is a psychology professor at California State University, Long Beach, who is best known for his anti-Semitic writings. Johnson and MacDonald formed the A3P last October and hope to eventually run candidates for political offices across the United States. The party’s simple mission statement: “The American Third Position Exists to represent the political interests of White Americans.”

Sunic joins James Edwards on the A3P board. Edwards hosts a weekly white nationalist, anti-Semitic radio program, “The Political Cesspool.” Sunic, Johnson and MacDonald have all appeared on “Cesspool.”

In an interview he did with the Britain-based Holocaust-denying publisher and website, Historical Review Press, Sunic spoke of his “Confederate-Southern sympathies.” He added, “What is of my concern is the passing of the white race.” In the same interview, he bemoaned the fact that his native Croatia “chose a losing side!” in World War II, but said nothing about the Croatian Nazi puppet government’s building of concentration camps where Jews, Serbs and gypsies were killed.

Sunic also spoke in 2008 to the Pacifica Forum, a far-right discussion group that meets as the University of Oregon. A meeting of the group in December showcased the National Socialist Movement, America’s largest neo-Nazi movement.

Sunic hosts a radio program on the Voice of Reason radio network. Last week, he interviewed Thomas Robb, the Arkansas-based national director of The Knights Party, better known as the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. And the first weekend in April, Sunic is slated to speak at Robb’s three-day Faith and Freedom Conference. No wonder, then, that the A3P website proclaims that Sunic “will be of tremendous benefit to the party.”