Right Wing Watch: WND founder Joseph Farah warns that millions will flee America, demand secession over gay marriage.
Fusion: Philadelphia family refuses to leave apartment after claiming it is its own sovereign country when landlord evicts them.
Talking Points Memo: Military-training paranoia reaches zany new heights on video as Michigan extremists harass Army spokesman.
ABC News: Transgender woman pushed onto New York subway tracks in possible hate crime.
One People’s Project: Meet the neo-Nazi from the Northwest who brought his friends to Olympia.
Anniston Star (AL): Alabama Senate votes to rename historic Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma.
Daily Journal (San Mateo, CA): Tiles arranged in shape of swastika mar South San Francisco high school’s graduation field.
Raw Story: Minnesota man says company was wrong to fire him over Obama lynching threat, since he’s not really racist.