Terrorism comes under House panel review; Rebel flag rises again, thanks to Trump; Lone-wolf terrorism and the Orlando shootings; and more.
Terrorism comes under House panel review; Rebel flag rises again, thanks to Trump; Lone-wolf terrorism and the Orlando shootings; and more.
Thomas Mair, alleged killer of British MP Jo Cox, was a longtime supporter of the neo-Nazi National Alliance.
The Twitter account of conservative commentator and blogger Milo Yiannopoulos was suspended and reinstated in short order yesterday, hours before Yiannopoulos was scheduled to host a press conference in Orlando, Florida.
Sessions claims gays weren’t targets in Orlando; DeLay calls Obama a communist Muslim; County lowers its flags after all; and more.
Virginia white supremacist sentenced for role in murder-robbery conspiracy to finance a race war.
Trump helps fuel ISIS recruitment; Ugly responses to Orlando massacre bubble up; On the road with far-right candidate Fiore; and more.
The Center for Immigration Studies has once again distributed racist information –– this time from a known Holocaust denier.
Police have arrested an antigovernment "sovereign citizen" in connection with a triple murder in West Virginia.
Trump’s post-Orlando speech his scariest yet; Sheriff Palmer’s botched arrest; Dylann Roof to face jury trial; and more.
A decade after his brief fling with media fame as the much sought after leader of the border vigilante movement, the 'Little Prince' finds himself facing a long prison sentence for sexually abusing little girls.