Inside a Confederate flag rally; Peroutka speaks at Kim Davis rally; Republicans and right-wing paranoia; and more.
Inside a Confederate flag rally; Peroutka speaks at Kim Davis rally; Republicans and right-wing paranoia; and more.
A sovereign citizen who shot and wounded two police officers is going to federal prison for almost 30 years after a federal judge in California took the unusual step of enhancing his sentence for lying during and after his jury trial.
Dylann Roof to face death penalty in trial; Hate group behind Kim Davis’ bid for martyrdom; Media run with discredited nativist group’s data; and more.
The town council in Lake Arthur, La., voted unanimously Wednesday evening to fire one of its police detectives who admitted being a participant in a Ku Klux Klan rally last year in North Carolina.
ACT! for America founder Brigitte Gabriel has worked hard through the years to give her organization the veneer of respectability, despite extremist rhetoric profiling Muslims as indoctrinated, radical militants. And every year, those alliances are on proud display during ACT!’s national conference in Washington, D.C.
Iowa GOP voters and immigrants; Conservatives agree on #BLM as a hate group; Ben Carson’s recent poll surge; and more.
Neo-Nazi Alex Linder took the stand in a Kansas courtroom Tuesday, attempting to assist his friend and fellow racist Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. avoid a ticket to death row.
When he isn’t making YouTube videos warning of “white genocide” or leading his youthful band of white nationalists on college campuses to protest the Marxist takeover of American higher education, Angelo John Gage wants you to know he’s there to help.
What Trump supporters think of Obama; How paranoia overtook the GOP; Bad advice for anti-gay county clerk?; And more.
The police chief of Lake Arthur, La., is demanding the resignation of a detective who was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in 2014 when he attended an anti-immigration rally in North Carolina.