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Features and Stories
January 18, 2009

The Southern Poverty Law Center and a coalition of immigrant rights advocates have filed a federal lawsuit challenging last-minute changes to the nation's guestworker program by the Bush administration, charging that the new rules shred worker protections and make it easier to replace U.S. workers with temporary foreign labor.

Features and Stories
January 13, 2009

As a new president takes the helm of a country facing an historic economic downturn, the SPLC's Spring 2009 issue of Teaching Tolerance magazine offers classroom strategies to help teachers address the pressures that students, families and school systems inevitably face during harsh economic times.

Features and Stories
December 19, 2008

The Southern Poverty Law Center and a coalition of immigrant rights advocates criticized changes to the nation's guestworker program that will open the program to more abuse of foreign workers while making it easier for employers to replace U.S. workers with temporary foreign labor.

Features and Stories
December 12, 2008

By the time Joe Bates finished middle school in 2004, he had fallen years behind his classmates. His struggle with asthma was just one of his problems. He also had learning disabilities that had been ignored by his school.

Features and Stories
December 12, 2008

The Southern Poverty Law Center praised Congress on Thursday for protecting immigrant workers by passing a human trafficking bill that allows unscrupulous labor recruiters to be prosecuted for fraud, but said more reform is needed to protect these workers from exploitation.

Features and Stories
December 11, 2008

The city of Portland, Ore., has honored an Ethiopian student whose brutal murder sparked a Southern Poverty Law Center lawsuit that destroyed the White Aryan Resistance (WAR) hate group.

Features and Stories
December 02, 2008

The architect of the modern anti-immigration movement and founder of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has been at the heart of the white nationalist scene for decades, corresponding with racist intellectuals, Klan lawyers and even Holocaust deniers, according to the latest issue of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Report, released today.
