Throughout my life, Harriet Tubman symbolized strength, courage, and determination.
Throughout my life, Harriet Tubman symbolized strength, courage, and determination.
The movement for racial justice in America is inextricably linked to the fight for economic justice.
Two black Alabama high school seniors were unfairly suspended and barred from their graduation ceremony following an incident involving law enforcement, students and parents, according to two separate complaints the SPLC filed this week.
José Vilson co-founded the EduColor collective the same year that George Zimmerman – who fatally shot unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin – was acquitted of murder, and #BlackLivesMatter was born.
On January 1, 1892, Ellis Island opened as an immigration inspection station. More than 40 percent of people currently living in the United States are among, or are descendants of, the 12 million immigrants who passed through its doors.
Since he began campaigning, President Trump has demonized Latino immigrants as “criminals.” He has called them “rapists,” drug dealers, “animals” and “bad hombres” who “infest our country.”
President Trump made a speech in the White House Rose Garden today about a plan to move U.S. immigration toward a “merit-based system” that would prioritize high-skilled workers over those with family members who are already in the country.
The Trump administration’s recent “fact sheet” on U.S. immigration proceedings excludes critical information about the immigration system and only serves to spread misinformation and distrust of immigrants and asylum seekers.
Ever since state and local law enforcement officers attacked peaceful civil rights marchers with billy clubs and tear gas on “Bloody Sunday” in 1965, Alabama has been at the epicenter of the fight for voting rights.
A state court in Louisiana issued an injunction today that allowed six high school seniors to participate in graduation ceremonies at their New Orleans charter school after they were banned from doing so following a minor senior prank last month.