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Features and Stories
November 11, 2017

If law enforcement agencies in Alabama want to seize and keep someone’s property — cash, cars, real estate, guns, TVs or other assets — they don’t have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was used in drug trafficking or obtained through criminal activity.

Features and Stories
November 08, 2017

HB 1, which would create a new form of private school voucher, has been touted as a safety net for bullied youth, but the reality is that this legislation makes a promise it cannot keep. Instead of providing a safe learning environment for all children, HB 1 would push the victims of bullying out of their schools and into private schools with fewer protections.

Features and Stories
November 06, 2017

A diverse coalition of groups that oppose the law enforcement practice of seizing property from citizens without first obtaining a criminal conviction held an educational forum today, arguing that the Alabama State Legislature should outlaw the practice.

Features and Stories
November 03, 2017

In the aftermath of the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and an outbreak of bias incidents across the country, the SPLC has published a guide to help college students and others safely and effectively take action when they witness acts of public intimidation and hate crime.
