Across the nation today, students at nearly 3,000 schools will have an opportunity to meet someone new by participating in Teaching Tolerance’s 11th annual national Mix It Up at Lunch Day.
Across the nation today, students at nearly 3,000 schools will have an opportunity to meet someone new by participating in Teaching Tolerance’s 11th annual national Mix It Up at Lunch Day.
Despite a settlement agreement to end the abusive conditions at Mississippi’s largest juvenile detention facility, a court monitor's report shows that officials at the Henley-Young Juvenile Justice Center have failed to meet even one of the agreement’s 71 provisions.
A federal judge has blocked a discriminatory college tuition policy in Florida that the SPLC challenged on behalf of U.S. citizens living in the state but forced to pay out-of-state tuition because they were unable to prove their parents’ federal immigration status.
A U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit filed this week is an important “wake-up call” for Mississippi leaders to end a school-to-prison pipeline that harms children, mostly those of color, by pushing them into the juvenile justice system as a means of enforcing school discipline, the SPLC said today.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is going to court today to help domestic farmworkers and foreign guestworkers recover millions of dollars in wages they were never paid after performing backbreaking work.
Teaching Tolerance Director Maureen Costello appeared yesterday on CNN to discuss National Mix It Up at Lunch Day and to address the American Family Association’s (AFA) bizarre attack on the anti-bias program.
Profiled here are 15 political candidates who are linked to hate groups or who promote extremist propaganda.
It's a sad occasion for our country. My great friend George McGovern died yesterday at the age of 90. Senator McGovern was a true American hero.
The Southern Poverty Law Center urged Illinois’ East Aurora School Board today not to bow to pressure from an anti-gay hate group by rescinding a policy protecting transgender and gender nonconforming students and employees from harassment and discrimination.
Hannah Bradley and her classmates simply wanted to raise awareness about anti-gay bullying at their high school. So on Oct. 11 – National Coming Out Day – the students wore name tags stating their orientation.