The Southern Poverty Law Center today won a crushing jury verdict against one of the nation's largest Klan groups for its role in the brutal beating of a teenager at a county fair in rural Kentucky.
The Southern Poverty Law Center today won a crushing jury verdict against one of the nation's largest Klan groups for its role in the brutal beating of a teenager at a county fair in rural Kentucky.
More than 4 million students across the country will challenge social and racial boundaries on Nov. 13 as part of the seventh annual Mix It Up at Lunch Day, a project designed to foster respect and understanding in schools and communities.
We've just witnessed an historic transformation, one of those singular moments in our history that we'll all remember for the rest of our lives.
A dozen Latino workers at a Tennessee cheese factory went weeks without pay and endured an abusive work environment before demanding paychecks from an employer, who then had them arrested, jailed and threatened with deportation.
SPLC Demanda Empresa de Queso en Tennessee Después Que Los Trabajadores Latinos Procurando Ser Pagados, son Detenidos y Amenazados con Deportación
Repeatedly in our country's history, economic troubles have created conditions that are ripe for demagogues and hatemongers to whip up public anger against minorities and recent immigrants.
A federal judge's ruling this week means that thousands of foreign guestworkers represented by the Southern Poverty Law Center will recover wages owed to them by one of the nation's largest forestry contractors.
A Discovery Channel program hosted by veteran journalist Ted Koppel examines an historic Southern Poverty Law Center lawsuit that destroyed one of the nation's most violent Klan groups.
The Southern Poverty Law Center and an alliance of civil rights groups have filed complaints against two of Florida's largest school districts, where students with disabilities endure a culture of neglect and harsh discipline that robs them of an education and pushes them along a path to incarceration.
Nearly 1,500 people filled the historic Wilshire Theater in Beverly Hills yesterday to attend the premiere of the SPLC's new documentary, Viva la Causa, which depicts one of the seminal events in the march for human rights — the grape strike and boycott led by César Chávez and Dolores Huerta in the 1960s.