An MSNBC interview with the head of the SPLC’s Mississippi office illuminates the link between prison profits and human rights abuses.
An MSNBC interview with the head of the SPLC’s Mississippi office illuminates the link between prison profits and human rights abuses.
The proposal by Tennessee’s governor to use Affordable Care Act money to pay for private insurance for low-income residents is a step in the right direction and an example for Southern states that have stubbornly refused to expand Medicaid for their most vulnerable citizens.
A Florida pre-kindergarten program will take steps to ensure it does not discriminate against children with diabetes as part of a settlement agreement to resolve a federal lawsuit the SPLC filed on behalf of a 3-year-old girl.
On the heels of an SPLC investigation that found songs by dozens of white power rock bands being sold on iTunes, Apple has begun removing hate music from its service, though other sites offering hate music, such as Amazon, have been slow to act.
A federal appeals court ruling today effectively closed a regulatory loophole that has depressed wages for foreign workers employed under the H-2B guest worker program as well as domestic workers in those industries.
The decision by the Staten Island grand jury not to indict any of the police officers involved in choking Eric Garner to death in August cries out for an explanation.
Ferguson events have made vivid how wide the gulf is between the police and those who are policed in our nation’s communities.
As the president took action to allow more undocumented immigrants to remain in the United States, the SPLC released a major report examining the possible rebirth of the nativist extremist movement that roiled the country from 2005 to 2011.
The SPLC is observing TDOR to honor the lives lost to hate crimes and is fighting for the rights of transgender Americans; people like Ashley Diamond, a 34-year-old African-American woman currently incarcerated in a men’s prison in Georgia.
El Presidente Obama ha puesto el foco en proveer una medida de seguridad para las familias inmigrantes mientras el Congreso sigue debatiendo reformas.