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Features and Stories
October 30, 2014

Research shows that children prosecuted in the adult criminal justice system are more likely to reoffend than those held in the juvenile justice system. But thousands continue to be sent into adult courts every year in the Deep South. The SPLC is working to reform this practice.

Features and Stories
October 30, 2014

A Wayne Farms poultry processing plant in Alabama has been fined more than $100,000 as a result of a federal complaint by the SPLC that described how workers were forced to endure unsafe and abusive conditions. 

Features and Stories
October 29, 2014

As more attention is focused on race and mass incarceration in the United States, the SPLC’s Teaching Tolerance project has released a guide to help educators use The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness in high school classrooms.

Features and Stories
October 28, 2014

An estimated 1 million students across the country will step out of their cliques and challenge stereotypes today as part of National Mix It Up at Lunch Day – an event designed to foster respect among students by asking them to sit with someone new at lunch for just one day.

Features and Stories
October 28, 2014

The SPLC urged federal officials today to investigate Louisiana’s Coordinated System of Care program, which is failing to prevent young people with severe behavioral health needs from being unnecessarily funneled into detention centers and hospitals.

Features and Stories
October 15, 2014

SPLC staffers traveled to St. Louis on Oct. 10 to take part in the Ferguson October campaign. They joined thousands of peaceful protesters from across the United States in marching through St. Louis for justice.
