Fresh out of prison after nearly 23 years, Archie “Jody” Hamlett appeared at his mother’s door in Huntsville, Ala., one fall day in 2017.
Fresh out of prison after nearly 23 years, Archie “Jody” Hamlett appeared at his mother’s door in Huntsville, Ala., one fall day in 2017.
Jonathan sleeps under a bridge at night or on a friend’s porch. During the day, he holds up a “homeless” sign in the grassy area near a highway exit and asks for money.
At just 5 years old, C.C. was suspended from school for destroying property and disobeying her teachers.
The first African American elected mayor of Montgomery, Alabama – a city known as both the “Cradle of the Confederacy” and the “Birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement” – urged those who gathered today to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Civil Rights Memorial to ask themselves how they can make an impact on the lives of others.
Carolyn Wells Gee was in bed watching TV with her younger sister when she heard the shot that killed Medgar Evers.
During a traffic stop, Janice Carter learned for the first time that her license had been suspended for unpaid traffic tickets.
Lindsey Vaughn walked briskly along a curvy, tree-lined street in a quiet neighborhood of modest homes.
At the intersection of race and politics in the United States lies voter suppression – the array of laws and election practices intended to make it harder for people of color to vote.
Roylan Hernandez-Diaz, an asylum-seeker from Cuba, was found dead in his cell on Oct. 16 at Richwood Correctional Center in Louisiana.