As a community advocate for the Southern Poverty Law Center, I spend countless hours visiting children in Mississippi and Louisiana jails to ensure they are safe and their rights are being protected.
As a community advocate for the Southern Poverty Law Center, I spend countless hours visiting children in Mississippi and Louisiana jails to ensure they are safe and their rights are being protected.
The American Bar Association is presenting Alan Howard, who chairs the SPLC’s board of directors, with its 2014 Pro Bono Publico Award to honor his commitment to serving the vulnerable and disadvantaged.
Attitudes may be shifting, but the laws in states like Alabama lag far behind, preventing LGBT people from having their same-sex marriages recognized for legal purposes.
An SPLC community advocates tells of a young immigrant whose dream of becoming a neurosurgeon is a step closer to reality.
Sweeping new regulations for poultry plants announced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today will leave processing lines running at their current speeds – a decision that spares workers from an increase but still forces them to endure the current, dangerously fast pace.
An SPLC report found widespread disillusionment among foreign students who felt deceived and exploited by recruiters and employers.
The Central American children arriving at the border are no threat to U.S. communities, and politicians should stop trying to stoke fear.
The SPLC has filed a federal class action lawsuit against Tennessee for Medicaid practices that violate the law and deprive thousands of people of health care coverage despite their eligibility.
Right-wing pundits are jumping all over Attorney General Eric Holder for daring to suggest on Sunday that “racial animus” plays a role in the “level of vehemence” that’s been directed at President Obama. They’re denouncing him for “playing the race card” and “stoking racial divisions.” Who do they think they’re fooling? The rhetoric is what’s hateful. Calling people out for it is not.
The SPLC’s Teaching Tolerance project today announced the five recipients of the 2014 Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching – a biennial award given to K-12 educators nationwide who excel at promoting respect and a passion for justice among students.