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Features and Stories
March 21, 2012

George Zimmerman appears to have concluded that young Trayvon Martin was "suspicious" based on nothing more than his race and the fact that Trayvon was walking in Zimmerman's neighborhood. Sadly, such assumptions are made about black youth every day. And they play out in a million disastrous ways.

Features and Stories
March 13, 2012

After finding that more than half of all states fail at teaching the civil rights movement to students, the SPLC’s Teaching Tolerance project released a set of guidelines today to help states improve the teaching of this pivotal period of U.S. history.

Features and Stories
March 06, 2012

The SPLC joined a coalition of advocacy groups urging state governors to reject an offer by a for-profit prison company to buy and manage prisons – a proposal that threatens to burden taxpayers, drive up state debt and stymie efforts to reform a criminal justice system that imprisons people in record numbers.
