On this day in 1979, more than 100,000 people marched on Washington to demand equal rights for LGBT people.
On this day in 1979, more than 100,000 people marched on Washington to demand equal rights for LGBT people.
The surviving members of the Little Rock Nine returned to the high school they integrated for the 60th anniversary of one of the most iconic struggles of the civil rights movement.
Eliminating line speed limits at poultry plants would increase injuries to workers and violate federal law and regulations, the SPLC said today in a letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
A federal court has upheld the firing of an Alabama police officer who was let go after the SPLC exposed his ties to a white supremacist group.
By appearing at the Values Voter Summit, President Trump is lending the legitimacy of his office to a hate group that relentlessly demonizes LGBT people and works to deny them of their equal rights.
Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards signed a package of 10 criminal justice reform and reinvestment bills earlier this year that will reduce the state’s prison population by 10 percent and scale down the parole/probation population by 12 percent over the next decade.
Today, HB 1523 went into effect in Mississippi. The law allows business owners and government workers to refuse service to LGBT people based on their religious beliefs.
Police in riot gear. Protesters blocking highways. A heated discussion about the acquittal of a white police officer for his role in the shooting of a black man.
Una llamada de un oficial de la policía en Misisipí el año pasado a Inmigración y Control de Aduanas, conocido como ICE por sus siglas en inglés, resultó en que un hombre desarmado – quien inicialmente servía de testigo cuando el policía detuvo un auto en tránsito – fuera baleado y quedara prostrado en la calle sangrando por la herida, según lo muestra el video de una cámara portátil policial que obtuvo el SPLC. El oficial llamó a ICE porque necesitaba un intérprete en español.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued guidance today setting forth the views of the Department of Justice about how federal agencies should protect religious freedom.