Citing Neo-Nazi and Racist Sources, Buchanan Sounds the Alarm

New book from former presidential hopeful Pat Buchanan cites racist literature

The man is to the point. “This new book deals with the vanishing white race and the vanishing European race and the death of our culture and civilization,” he says, “and these are very sensitive subjects.”

Could that be the voice of William Pierce, America’s foremost neo-Nazi, flogging his latest tome? No, actually, it’s erstwhile presidential candidate Pat Buchanan, whipping up interest in his own new book, The Death of the West, in an interview this spring with Southern Partisan magazine.

But there is a connection.

In the book and subsequent interviews, the recent Reform Party presidential candidate blows the lid off his extremist sympathies, relying on a whole array of extreme-right sources for “facts” that seem to support his ideas — among them, a 1993 broadcast of Pierce’s National Alliance radio show “American Dissident Voices.”

The broadcast is cited as part of an attack on 1930s intellectuals for fomenting “social revolution.”

The thesis of The Death of the West is fundamentally alarmist: White people (that is, Europeans and their U.S. descendants) are not reproducing fast enough to replace themselves, while non-Westerners are multiplying at a terrifying pace.

As a result, Buchanan says, the “greatest civilization in history” is headed for an early grave. America will be a Third World nation by 2050, the three-time presidential candidate predicts.

Along the way, Buchanan relies on the discredited work of the hate group New Century Foundation (which publishes American Renaissance, a magazine devoted to “scientific” racism) to suggest that blacks are inherently more criminal than whites.

In arguing that America is “beyond refutation” a Christian nation, he regurgitates the views of Christian Reconstructionists — people who want to replace democratic rule with Old Testament law — like Gary DeMar, Otto Scott and George Grant.

And Buchanan buys into the wildly conspiracist claim of the anti-immigrant hate group American Patrol/Voice of Citizens Together that Mexican forces are about to retake the American Southwest and create a new nation called Aztlán.

For good measure, he quotes from an infamous American Patrol videotape.

It could have been worse. Buchanan’s fast friend and editor, Sam Francis, told a February American Renaissance conference that Buchanan’s publisher, St. Martin’s Press, had “removed many explicitly racial passages” from the book.

According to Francis, St. Martin’s also insisted Buchanan change his working title: The Death of Whitey.