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2007 - Winter - Immigration Backlash

Hate crimes against perceived undocumented immigrants are on the rise; Skinheads turn on one of their own; FAIR's many ties to white supremacists are explored.

Hate crimes against perceived undocumented immigrants are on the rise; Skinheads turn on one of their own; FAIR's many ties to white supremacists are explored.


Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 27, 2007

Before the first anti-racism demonstrator had set foot in Jena, La., this fall, white supremacists already were burning up the Internet with furious denunciations, bloody predictions, promises of apocalyptic violence, and calls for lynching.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 28, 2007

Quotes from Ted Smith, Michael Savage, Neal Boortz...

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

Anti-gay activists who picketed a funeral have lost a huge judgment for inflicting emotional distress. It's unclear if the verdict will hold since Phelps' offensive speech is aimed at private, not public, persons.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

Even more radical than the prison gang that spawned it, the Aryan Circle, blamed in a recent cop-killing, has officials worried

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

Concluding a tense standoff that began five months earlier when they were convicted of tax evasion, federal marshals in Plainfield, N.H., managed to seize two tax protesters who had threatened law enforcement officials with death.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

"Survivalist Home for Sale," read the identical classified advertisements placed in several Idaho newspapers last July. "Appraised at $227,000, moving overseas, make me an offer." The ads detailed an impressive array of custom features.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

"Radical traditionalist Catholic" E. Michael Jones, a rabid anti-Semite, visited the Washington, D.C., offices of veteran Holocaust denier Willis Carto last March. While there, he found out something surprising: Carto has apparently become an adherent of Christian Identity.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

The Southern Poverty Law Center in July refiled an earlier lawsuit against two Klansmen to add the nation's second-largest Klan organization, its national leader and two other individuals as defendants.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

Polygamous prophet Warren Jeffs has been convicted on two counts of rape as an accomplice and faces up to life in prison when he is sentenced late this year. This is Jeffs' first criminal conviction, although the cult leader faces civil lawsuits in several other cases filed by former followers.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

Hammerskin Nation and the Vinlander Social Club — America's two largest coalitions of racist skinhead gangs — have negotiated a truce ending a three-year feud, according to a remarkable declaration published in September by Vinlanders co-founder and Hoosier State Skinheads leader Brien James.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

The appointment of a member of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC) to the Board of Parks & Recreation of Kansas City, Mo., has created a political firestorm for Mayor Mark Funkhouser.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

Border Patrol agents Ignacio "Nacho" Ramos and José Alonso Compean attacked an unarmed border-crosser who was trying to surrender, shot at him 15 times and wounded him as he fled, then tampered with the crime scene and failed to report the shooting as required to their supervisors.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

White nationalists already have their own websites for social networking and video sharing. Now they've built Metapedia, a knockoff of the online, reader-edited encyclopedia Wikipedia that they call "an alternative encyclopedia dedicated to the pro-European cultural struggle."

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

A federal judge this October dismissed charges of sexual enticement of a 10-year-old girl and witness intimidation against neo-Nazi leader Kevin Alfred Strom, but only after two days of lurid and extremely compromising testimony.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 05, 2007

In a case that sent shock waves through Israeli society, police in September announced the arrests of a group of young neo-Nazis who allegedly attacked foreign workers from Asia, religious Jews, gay men and lesbians, the homeless and drug addicts.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 05, 2007

The video is hard to watch. Just three minutes long, "Operation of the National-Socialist Party of Russia to Arrest and Execute Two Colonists From Dagestan and Tajikistan" opens to the sound of machine-gun fire.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
January 01, 2003

At least 100 members of Hammerskin Nation, a racist skinhead group with chapters around the country, tried to attend the latest annual Hammerfest concert in Portland, Ore.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

When North East White Pride (NEWP) announced it would protest in front of Boston's Afro-American History Museum on Martin Luther King Day 2006, the New England neo-Nazis were hoping to draw a crowd and garner attention for their fledgling organization.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

Capitalizing on widespread fears about immigrants, the far-right Swiss People's Party (SVP) in October surged forward to take 29% of the votes for the nation's lower house, the best result for any Swiss party since 1919.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

In the latest outbreak of xenophobic violence in the former East Germany, a mob of 50 German youths screaming neo-Nazi slogans chased down and violently attacked eight Indian visitors and the man who tried to give them refuge.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

La designación de un miembro del Cuerpo miliciano de defensa civil Minuteman (MCDC) para la Junta de Parques y Recreación de Kansas City, Missouri, causó una tormenta de fuego política para el alcalde.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

Los activistas enemigos de la inmigración sostienen que Corbett está siendo condenado injustamente debido a la presión de México. 

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

Exacerbados por la dura retórica de nativistas, expertos y políticos, los ataques de odio hacia quienes son vistos como 'invasores' latinos son cada vez más frecuentes

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

A pesar de sus vergonzosos antecedentes, los funcionarios y los medios de comunicación siguen tomando seriamente a la Federación Norteamericana para la Reforma de la Inmigración