2008 - Spring - The Year in Hate 2007
Hate groups increase by 48%; the new nativist leaders are profiled; neo-Nazi Bill White continues to spew racist vitriol; and a former skinhead talks about his change of heart.
Hate groups increase by 48%; the new nativist leaders are profiled; neo-Nazi Bill White continues to spew racist vitriol; and a former skinhead talks about his change of heart.
Animated by the ugly rhetoric of the nativist movement, the number of hate groups in America grew 5% last year to a total of 888. The increase translated into a 48% jump in hate groups since the year 2000 and was accompanied by reports of rising violence.
Last Sept. 20, the eyes of America turned to Jena, La., where more than 20,000 people had gathered to protest what they saw as racism in the disparate criminal treatment accorded black and white students at a local high school.
Facing capital charges in a horrific torture-murder, a notorious skinhead describes a life of crime and bitter regrets
An Arizonan who says he was in the Hitler Youth has become one of the largest dealers of racist memorabilia in the West
The FBI's alleged use of an informant who regularly suggested killing his enemies comes under fire as reckless endangerment
Raised in a radically anti-Catholic cult, a woman recounts abuse and her eventual escape from her own mother and stepfather
In one Massachusetts town, two conspiracy-minded brothers have been leading a hateful crusade against Brazilian immigrants
About 30 members and supporters of the Nationalist Party, a white supremacist group headed by Mississippi lawyer Richard Barrett, marched on Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Jena, La., the site of a march by more than 20,000 anti-racist protesters last Sept. 20.
Another generation of anti-immigrant activists joins the increasingly virulent nativist movement
The number of hate groups operating in America rose again last year, capping a 48% increase since 2000
The Intelligence Project identified 131 "Patriot" groups that were active in 2007.
Literally on the front lines of the illegal immigration debate, Arizona has seen some of the most violent anti-immigrant rhetoric and conflict in the country.
Several prominent right-wing commentators and anti-immigration leaders were humiliated after they rushed to judgment in a pair of cases in which conservative activists filed bogus police reports claiming to be victims of violent crimes.
'Liberty Dollars' Seized in Crackdown on Extremist 'Currency'
Malik Shabazz collected at least $5,000 on Megan Williams' behalf, and has since continued to solicit donations to the Black Lawyers for Justice's "Megan Williams Fund."
Hate Groups on the Move, Some to Unlikely Places
December was a cruel month for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).
Implicated in Cops' Murder, Aryan Gang Faces New Heat
The Washington Times has appointed a new executive editor, marking a major change in direction for the perennially money-losing paper that is owned by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
Klan Leader Found Incompetent to Stand Trial for Murder
Around America, racist toughs have been flooding into the world of mixed martial arts. Now, one of them is rising to the top
Does the Constitution guarantee an individual's right to own a gun? A historic Supreme Court decision is expected soon
'Darwinist' School Shooter Flirted With Nazi Beliefs
Duke Plugs Book and Fairy Tales on European Tour
Just 10 months after it was formed amid great hopes on the radical right, an ultranationalist bloc in the European Parliament called Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty (ITS) has collapsed.
Ontario Racist Stripped of Teaching Certificate
Three histories of the Invisible Empire provide insights into America's oldest terrorist group. They are written from the perspectives of a clinical psychologist, a scholar, and a professional writer.
Otra generación de activistas en contra de los inmigrantes se une al movimiento nativista virulento y en crecimiento
El número de grupos de odio que operan en Estados Unidos aumentó nuevamente el año pasado, alcanzando un incremento del 48% desde el 2000.
En un pueblo de Massachusetts, dos hermanos con mentalidad conspiradora han estado a la vanguardia de una cruzada de odio contra los inmigrantes Brasileños.