2010 - Spring - Rage on the Right
Hate groups remain at record levels; conspiracy theorists spread FEMA concentration camp myths; two trials of neo-Nazi propagandists are covered; and a meeting in Jekyll Island, Ga., pulls elements of the radical right together.
Hate groups remain at record levels; conspiracy theorists spread FEMA concentration camp myths; two trials of neo-Nazi propagandists are covered; and a meeting in Jekyll Island, Ga., pulls elements of the radical right together.
Egged on by cheers and interrupted by standing ovations, one-time GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin told the first National Tea Party Convention in Nashville this February that President Obama's spending was "immoral" and amounted to "theft."
J.B. Stoner was so vicious that his fellow white supremacists thought he had to be an informant. They were quite wrong
An Oregon-based racist prison and street gang has produced an incredible amount of criminal violence. And the beat goes on
A little-noticed meeting last year in Georgia helped re-launch the antigovernment ‘Patriot’ movement
Around the country, a conspiracy theory about the government constructing secret concentration camps is taking on new life
Two decades later, a woman remembers her life among killer skinheads and discusses how she has changed
Two recent prosecutions of neo-Nazis reflect a complex legal struggle to define what amounts to an illegal ‘true threat’
Did gay-bashing American evangelicals contribute to legislation in Africa that would jail homosexuals for life?
A look back at the anti-immigration movement in 2009, a year in which the number of hard-line groups nearly doubled
The radical right caught fire last year, as broad-based populist anger at political, demographic and economic changes in America ignited an explosion of new extremist groups and activism across the nation
Anti-abortion doctor killer convicted of first-degree murder
Holocaust Museum murderer dies in federal prison while awaiting trial
Illegal bombs, bullets and guns were seized from men young and old in recent months.
The departure from CNN of resident immigrant-basher Lou Dobbs last November had echoes all over the political spectrum
A little-noticed Department of Justice study found that rates of hate crime victimization vary little among racial groups.
Cal State Long Beach psychology professor Kevin MacDonald has made the leap from academia to activism
Former legislator had less than stellar record on race
When the verdict came in last May in Shenandoah, Penn., immigrant rights groups around the country were outraged.
The Intelligence Project identified 512 "Patriot" groups that were active in 2009.