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2012 - Fall - Death in the Desert

Are American vigilantes murdering undocumented immigrants in Arizona?

Are American vigilantes murdering undocumented immigrants in Arizona?


Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

The National Alliance was once the most important hate group in America. Now, 10 years after the death of its founder William Pierce, the once-pow- erful Alliance has been reduced to nearly complete irrelevance, although that hasn’t stopped its recent recruits from engaging in at least a dozen mur- ders and a range of other crimes.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

In the end, it came down in line with prior precedent. The Supreme Court, ruling in late June on the Arizona law that set off a tsunami of ugly legislation aimed at undocumented immigrants, affirmed decades of settled law, saying the federal government — not states or cities — has the right to control immigration policy.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

The Feb. 26 shooting death of Trayvon Martin inflamed extremists of many stripes, as groups on both sides of the racial divide threatened armed protests and radical black separatist leaders suggested vigilante justice for the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot the unarmed 17-year-old in Sanford, Fla.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

The high-profile federal case against Michigan’s Hutaree Militia came to an abrupt end in March when a federal judge dismissed most charges against seven members charged with plotting to murder police officers in an effort to ignite a revolution against the federal government.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

Rejecting Schaeffer Cox’s claim that he was merely exercising freedom of speech when he spoke of killing a judge and law enforcement officials, a federal jury this summer convicted the boyish Alaska militia leader of heading a murderous conspiracy against the government.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

Lunchtime diners at a normally sedate restaurant in a Chicago suburb were treated to a rude shock on May 19 when 18 intruders, dressed in black and wearing masks, stormed in and began swinging steel batons, hammers and chairs. Their targets: white nationalists who were holding a strategy session.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

The growing influence of far-right conspiracy theorists on mainstream politics has come into sharp focus this year with a spate of laws, ordinances and resolutions opposing Agenda 21, a non-binding plan for global sustainability seen by many antigovernment hardliners as a Trojan Horse for socialist global government.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

Remarkable quotes from people who ought to know better.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

For seven years, Robert Killian posed as a neo-Nazi biker named “Doc,” working his way slowly into the inner sanctum of violent white supremacists as part of a wide-ranging undercover investigation in central Florida.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

Just outside the city limits here lies the Midwest Amusement Park and USA International Raceway, its vacant grounds and winter-worn buildings evoking the same kind of eerie feeling that makes off-season attractions such good settings for horror films.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 26, 2012

The unsolved murders this April of two undocumented immigrants near Eloy, Ariz., coupled with four remarkably similar 2007 killings in the same area, have again raised the specter of a possible campaign by U.S. vigilantes to murder Latino border crossers. One recently retired police detective warns of “a lot of angry, militant white men on the border sitting like hunters waiting for these people to come across.”

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

For years, an extreme-right online “news company” called WorldNetDaily has been pumping out staggering vol- umes of baseless conspiracy theories, end-of-the-world predictions, and “birther” attacks on President Obama. But its truly defining moment may have come with the fairy-tale claim that soy- beans cause homosexuality.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

Elements of the anti-gay right have searched long and hard for logic to make condemnation of homosexuality resonate: Gay men are pedophiles, homosexuality causes God to send hurricanes to Florida and kill off blackbirds in Arkansas, and, perhaps most silly, the theory that an intricate LGBT plot — the so-called “radical homosexual agenda” — is on the verge of gutting Western civilization.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

The case of Paul Pantone, an Oklahoman who says he’s invented a contraption that will run on virtually any liquid, illustrates the link between defiers of conventional scientific wisdom and radical rightists who violently distrust the government. In fact, Pantone’s alleged ties to radicals have both neighbors and law enforcement worried.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 25, 2012

For years, law enforcement agencies have been warning of the dangers of “paper terrorism,” a common tactic of members of the so-called “sovereign citizens” movement, comprised of people who believe that they do not have to pay taxes or obey most laws.