Matthew Heimbach received a letter from the United Kingdom’s Home Office banning him from entering the country because of his extremist rhetoric and views.
Matthew Heimbach, an American white nationalist, has been banned from the United Kingdom on the grounds that his presence may “foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK.”
Heimbach, 25, is president of the Traditionalist Youth Network and training director for the neo-Confederate League of the South (LOS). He received notice of his banishment earlier this week in a letter citing his southern nationalism, along with several speeches containing “White Supremacist, anti-Semitic, racist, and homophobic rhetoric and imagery.”
The letter, issued on behalf of Theresa May, the home secretary for the UK’s Home Department, explains Britain’s Unacceptable Behavior Policy regarding extremists. Using Heimbach’s own words as evidence, the letter highlights his reference to homosexuality as a “deviant lifestyle” and multiple anti-Semitic declarations that the “enemy is the ‘international Jew…. Because they want to destroy us all.”
Heimbach’s participation in organized hate dates back to his time as a student at Towson University where he founded a chapter of the white nationalist student organization Youth for Western Civilization. Heimbach turned the chapter into the much-publicized White Student Union.
Heimbach was planning to travel to England to speak at a private event before he received notice that he was not welcome and would be “refused admission on arrival” if he were to try to travel to the UK. The ban will be reviewed in 3 to 5 years.
“I am now banned from England for being a nationalist while 10ks of radical Muslims are welcomed. #EnglandYoureDrunk”, Heimbach complained on his Twitter page yesterday.
Michael Cushman, chairman of the South Carolina chapter of LOS and a former member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, received a similar letter this week, according to an exchange on Facebook.