• Hatewatch

Hate Groups Donate to Arizona Law’s Defense

Heidi Beirich

This morning, the white supremacist political party American Third Position (A3P) proudly announced its donation to the fund recently established by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to defend that state’s controversial new immigration law. “The American Third Position has just made a triple-digit donation to Arizona’s Border Security and Immigration Legal Defense Fund,” the group announced in an E-mail alert. In describing its own mission, A3P says it “exists to represent the political interests of White Americans.”

The statute that Brewer signed into law in April, commonly known as SB 1070, is a harsh anti-immigration ordinance that would make the failure of non-citizens to carry immigration documents a crime and that obligates police to check the immigration status of those people they come into lawful contact with if there is “reasonable suspicion” that they are undocumented immigrants. Last week, the Department of Justice announced that it would sue Arizona to block the law, saying it would encourage illegal racial profiling and also interfere with federal control over immigration policy. The new defense fund, which will help cover the state’s legal fees in the DOJ lawsuit, already has collected nearly $1 million, according to Brewer’s Facebook page.

Brewer claims SB 1070 will not target persons based on their skin color. But A3P begs to differ, seeing SB 1070 as a tool for the reinstatement of white political control. “We support all constructive endeavors by private citizens, businesses, local governments — or in this case a sovereign state — to stem and reverse the browning of America,” the A3P’s E-mail said. “Arizona’s enforcement statute represents the best current opportunity to reduce [brown-skinned immigration]. From its inception, A3P has been disseminating the nightmarish facts regarding the financial, social and demographic consequences of the unprecedented invasion from the south.”

The defense fund is also being pushed on Stormfront.org, the largest and oldest white nationalist forum on the Web. Under the headline “Jan Brewer Sets Up SB1070 Defense Fund,” “Adolf Hitlist” admonishes his fellow extremists, “Money where your mouth is time!”

Adolf’s fellow forum users have responded enthusiastically to his call for donations. “I’m going to send them 50 fat bucks,” writes “Mishko Novosel.” “[T]his might encourage Arizona to leave the Union, and this is why I’ll back them because something good will come of this.” “Axeman” celebrated the fund’s rapid increase: “Wow! At 1:30pm yesterday, AZ’s defense fund was roughly $163k, at 9am this morning it was $363k. Keep it up!” “KuKluxKlan—SoCal” chimed in with, “Donated.”

It’s not surprising that these racists and extremists are enthusiastic about SB 1070. After all, the law originated with the hate group Federation for American Immigration Reform, whose founder John Tanton has written, “I’ve come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that.” That is exactly what A3P believes.