• Hatewatch

Anti-Muslim Activists to Gather in Stockholm Tomorrow

Leah Nelson

Pamela Geller, American Islamophobia’s shrillest voice, is planning yet another demonstration of anti-Muslim hate – this time, in Europe.

According to her blog, Atlas Shrugs, “the world’s leading freedom action organizations” (read: anti-Muslim hate groups) will rally in Stockholm, Sweden, tomorrow to launch a “worldwide counter jihad alliance.”

The conference’s sponsors are a coalition of anti-Muslim organizations including Geller’s Stop Islamization of America (SIOA); Stop Islamization of Nations (SION), which is also led by Geller; a Denmark-based group called Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE) that was the inspiration for Geller’s efforts; and the English Defence League (EDL), a thuggish anti-Muslim street movement that Geller, who is Jewish, has embraced despite its alleged ties to open anti-Semites.

Speakers, according to Geller’s blog, will include some of Islamophobia’s most influential and vicious voices. In addition to herself, Geller lists Robert Spencer, a colleague and self-taught “expert” on Islam who is greatly admired by Anders Breivik, the Oslo terrorist who in July 2011 slaughtered 77 people he thought were enabling Muslim immigration into Norway; Steven Lennon and Kev Carrol of the EDL; Anders Gravers of SIOE; and a host of European and Australian Islamophobes whose names are less well-known in America. Noteworthy among them is Richard Abrahamsson (also known as Richard Abrams), a leader in the Swedish Defence League (SDL) who, according to Islamophobia Watch, has blogged about a plan to “reclaim the Swastika,” writing,If you want US to respect OTHER cultures, you must also respect OUR culture and its symbols.”

The Stockholm gathering comes in advance of a Sept. 11 event in New York City that, according to Geller, will be the “first session of the International Freedom Defense Congress” (which, according to Geller, is SION’s “action arm”). The meeting falls on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 Al Qaeda attacks.

Demonstrating once again her exceptional talent for redefining words to suit her purposes, Geller on her blog describes the International Freedom Defense Congress – whose sole purpose is to crush a religion practiced in some form by nearly one in four human beings on the planet – is devoted to “forming a common defense of freedom and human rights.” Speakers at its Sept. 11 confab will include SION board member Cliff Kincaid, the anti-communist, anti-gay and anti-Muslim head of the amusingly misnamed Accuracy in Media; Wafa Sultan, who has suggested that “the West” may eventually need to use atomic bombs to “pressure” Islam to “change”; Babu Suseelan, a Hindu nationalist who believes that Marxists and jihadists are “in collusion” to “deconstruct [Hindu] society with apocalyptic ideas” and who has called on India’s Hindu population to “unite together and work towards the goal of Establishment of ‘Divine Hindu Kingdom’”; SIOE’s Anders Gravers; and a host of other anti-Muslim activists from across the globe.