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Hatewatch Headlines – 4/17/14

New York Times: The Kansas City shooter had a long history of hate. Why wasn’t he stopped?

Minneapolis Star Tribune: Militia leader accused of stealing data from Fort Bragg pleads guilty to identity theft.

Media Matters: Sean Hannity floats the possibility that the federal government will kill rancher Cliven Bundy during retaliatory raid.

Salon: ‘You’re leaving? Are you kidding?’ Anti-gay bigot Peter LaBarbera is humiliated by a college student.

The MaddowBlog: Tea Party Congressman Ted Yoho of Florida wonders: ‘Is it constitutional, the Civil Rights Act?’

Daily Kos: An Idahoan with deep roots shows Cliven Bundy what a real Western rancher is all about.

Mondoweiss: Haaretz joins Rush Limbaugh and cohorts in trying to speciously connect journalist Max Blumenthal to Frazier Glenn Miller.

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