The reaction on the radical right to the frustration and flames of Ferguson following the announcement last night that Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted in the Aug. 9 slaying of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown was as predictable, petty and racially charged as you’d expect.
On the white nationalist web forums Vanguard News Network (VNN) and Stormfront (SF) African-American protesters were called “apes” and “n——,” who should have never been “allowed [out] of the Cotton fields of the south.”
But it was the sight of white protesters on the streets of Ferguson, New York and other cities across the country that seemed to inflame the VNN and SF commentators almost as much.
“Many of the protesters involved are white college students from surrounding areas,” “Hurin Thalion,” wrote on Stormfront today, just hours after Ferguson erupted into violence, looting and arson. “A bunch of anarchist Marxists. To me they are worse than any thug or gang banger.”
It was the multiracial protest on the streets of New York City that riled up “Peace Through Stormfront.”
“Granted lots of stupid whites there, but I also see a lot of jewfros, beaky noses and slope-backed ‘white’ foreheads.
“It isn’t called Jew York City for nothing.”
Over on VNN, “Patrick Bateman” wrote that the photographs of the protesters from across the country were “the usual mix of human garbage i.e.: non-whites, f——, jews, marxists.”
But Stormfront commentator “TSFH14” had an existential question for his racist kin.
“If you were surrounded and you had one bullet left, would you save it for a Negro thug or white ARA [Anti-Racist Action]?”
Even though the protests in Ferguson and elsewhere were multiracial, there was also plenty of almost giddy talk on the extremist web forums of preparing for race war and white genocide prevention.
“I’m glad there aren’t many n—— where I live (but quite a few spics),” “Ray Allan” wrote on VNN. “I hope all the White folks in Ferguson, St. Louis and elsewhere are locked and loaded if the apes start straying into White areas.”
On Stormfront, “Sons of Vengeance” sounded a similar theme. “I’m thinking white areas need to burn in order for the sleeping and scared whites to finally stand their ground.
“It will take massive amounts of whites,” “Vengeance” continued, “to stand up to our genocide.”
“UnmarkedGrave” seemed to be happy about the violent reaction Monday night in the streets of Ferguson.
“America is anti-white and its destruction is inevitable. The sooner it burns the better it will be for our people.”
Of course, no right-wing prejudice parade would be complete without hearing from Ted Nugent, the crusty rock musician and National Rifle Association board member with a history of making racially charged remarks at the drop of his cowboy hat. Media Matters reports that Nugent reacted to the decision not to indict the police officer by attacking “black klansmen” and claiming “millions” of African Americans “slaughter” each other “every day.”
Media Matters said that in a post on Facebook Nugent says the lessons of Ferguson are “Don’t preach your racist bullshit ‘no justice no peace’ as blabbered by Obama’s racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen.”
“And don’t claim that ‘black lives matter,’” he adds, “when you ignore the millions you abort & slaughter each & every day by other blacks.”
“…So quit killin each other you f—– idiots,” he concludes his latest rant. “Drive safely.”