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Hatewatch Headlines 1/17/2017

"Alt-Right" eats its own as ‘Enoch’ quits; Study of police views on race is revealing; Trump’s attack on Lewis a racist smear; and more.

Salon: Neo-Nazi podcaster ‘Mike Enoch’ quits ‘The Right Stuff’ after "Alt-Right" dox reveal his wife is Jewish.

Mother Jones: Study of police officers’ feelings on race reveals we’re at a ‘crisis point,’ and how far we have to go.

Think Progress: Donald Trump’s attack on John Lewis is also a racist smear against black communities.

Talking Points Memo: GOP county official in Georgia calls Lewis a ‘racist pig’ for his remarks about Trump.

Right Wing Watch: Operation Rescue wants Trump to name Alabama’s Roy Moore to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Media Matters: Internet trolls unleash attacks on Washington Post reporter following completely made-up smear.

New York Times: FBI arrests wife of Orlando nightclub shooter for obstructing investigation of the case.

Crooks and Liars: College Republicans at Cal-Davis howl as protesters shut down Alt-Right event.

AlterNet: The ‘stubborn and resilient nativism’ currently rearing its head has a long and deep history in American culture.

Daily Record (Ellensburg, WA): Ku Klux Klan recruitment flyers distributed at campus, downtown, shopping center.

Raw Story: Michigan mayor denies calling black people ‘chimps,’ says audio was timed just to embarrass him. Google apologizes for citing Robert E. Lee’s birthday instead of MLK Day in three states.

Huffington Post: This Martin Luther King Jr. quote perfectly sums up the rise of white supremacy post-Trump.

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