Whites’ unease over racial changes shadows politics; Spencer admits alt-right isn’t pro-free-speech; Phony anti-Trump theories flourishing; and more.
New York Times: Whites’ unease over the changing color of society shadows the politics of a more diverse America.
Right Wing Watch: Richard Spencer acknowledges that the alt-right is not pro-free-speech.
Media Matters: A short history of phony anti-Trump conspiracy theories.
Washington Post: Steve Bannon thinks Martin Luther King Jr. would be ‘proud’ of Donald Trump.
Talking Points Memo: GOP’s Rep. Black introduces bill to create crowdfunding website for Trump’s border wall.
ProPublica: Investigation into white-supremacist presence in military seeks info from the public.
NBC News: Six more families sue Alex Jones over Sandy Hook conspiracy claims after harassment.
Pacific Standard: There are no ‘lone wolves’ acting solo, and pretending there are aids toxic communities.
CNN: Florida candidate opines that displaced Puerto Ricans shouldn’t be permitted to vote.
BuzzFeed: A man who said he was going ‘Guat hunting’ has been sentence to life in prison for teen’s death.
Raw Story: Black Mississippi man seeks justice after he was allegedly beaten by two Jasper County officers.
Splinter: Why is New Orleans’ black female mayor working secretly with white nationalists?
Science: ‘It’s a toxic place’: How the online world of white nationalists distorts population genetics.
Seattle Times: Starbucks previews its anti-racial-bias training curriculum after viral arrest incident in Philly.
Miami New Times (FL): Guard threatens to arrest activist recording conditions at Miami ICE facility.
Culpeper Star Exponent (TX): Group questions whether anti-Muslim speaker John Guandolo is a paid deputy.
San Antonio Express-News (TX): Conspiracy theorist who harassed pastor now faces federal gun charge, too.
NBC New York: Rail-line rider who harassed black woman on train now faces hate-crime charge.