Mississippi 2025 Policy Priorities

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is dedicated to safeguarding civil rights and building a more equitable and just society. Rooted in the South, where the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement continues to shape the struggle for racial equity, we partner with communities to dismantle white supremacy and strengthen intersectional movements to advance transformative policies and human rights for all. Our work includes providing subject-matter expertise and technical assistance to partners, stakeholders, and state and local officials to drive impactful initiatives that ensure a future where Black and Brown communities are not only represented but deeply respected as part of a thriving democracy. We focus on:

  • Eradicating Poverty: Protecting Social Safety Net Programs
  • Ending Over-Criminalization and Mass Incarceration: Disrupting the Schoolto-Prison Pipeline
  • Strengthening Democracy: Expanding Access & Improving Engagement
  • Countering Hate & Extremism: Ensuring Inclusive Education

Quick Facts:

  • With no early voting period, Mississippi is an outlier among Southern states.
  • 70% of voters in Georgia voted early in the 2024 election.
  • Studies show noexcuse absentee voting increase voter engagement, with no benefit to any political party.

Mississippi ā€” without an early voting period ā€” is an outlier among Southern states, as Louisiana, Georgia and Florida all offer an early voting period. This barrier to voting impacts many Mississippians across the political spectrum, especially those who work long hours, those with disabilities and those who lack reliable transportation. By implementing statewide early voting, Mississippi can make voting more convenient for all Mississippians, as well as alleviating long lines on Election Day. Another option would be to implement no-excuse absentee voting. Through either one of these policies, Mississippi would make voting more accessible to all voters, thereby improving our democratic process and increasing voter participation.

Early voting proved to be a popular mechanism, across party lines, during the November 2024 election. Nearly one half of all voters in Louisiana and Florida and over 70% of voters in Georgia and North Carolina cast early ballots. While studies show no-excuse absentee voting procedures do increase voter engagement, they found no benefit to any political party over another in turnout or total vote share. It is working all over the nation, and it is past due for Mississippi to join other states in making voting more accessible for all people.


  • Permit no-excuse absentee voting; allow for permanent vote-by-mail requests with prepaid postage for ballot returns.
  • Authorize automatic and same-day voter registration.
  • Create an equitable statewide early voting program that includes at least two Saturdays before a primary or general election.


Sonya Williams Barnes, Mississippi Policy Director: [email protected]

Bruce Case, Policy Associate: [email protected]