First the South, then the Nation

We are starting a movement in the South that will inspire change nationwide. Throughout history, the South has been a place of resilience, strength and transformation. Our mission begins here. When we empower communities, we lay the groundwork for a national movement that uplifts all people and drives meaningful progress for future generations. Join us as we create a future where justice, equality and opportunity are available to all.

National Impact

Group of people gathered in interior office.

Landmark Cases

Offering legal advocacy that protects vulnerable communities and promotes equality across the nation.

Marchers hold signs

Inspiring Hope

Pursuing every person’s opportunity to live with dignity, free from discrimination and oppression.

Tracking Hate

Monitoring over 1,500 active extremist groups and dismantling their influence — promoting safety and justice nationwide.

Stay Informed

When property is used in crime, the state can seize that property through a procedure called civil asset forfeiture. But a lower burden of proof, coupled with the high cost of challenging the state raises concerns about use of the practice. Our report explores why greater data transparency is needed.

Illustration of person lifting up house from foundations