SPLC Board Of Directors Retains Tina Tchen To Lead Comprehensive Workplace Review

MONTGOMERY, AL – SPLC Board of Directors Chair Bryan Fair today announced that the Board has retained Tina Tchen of Buckley LLP to lead a comprehensive review of the SPLC’s workplace culture and its past policies and practices.
Statement of Bryan Fair, Chair, Southern Poverty Law Center Board of Directors:
“The events of the last week have been an eye-opening reminder that the walk towards justice must sometimes start at your own front door and force you to look at your past so you can improve your future. A key first step in that process for the SPLC is an immediate, top-to-bottom external review of our workplace culture and our past practices and policies. Tina Tchen’s extraordinary experience and qualifications will be indispensable in helping us build a more effective and just organization.”
Statement of Tina Tchen, Partner, Buckley LLP:
“Every workplace, including social justice organizations, must work hard  to create a workplace culture that fully reflects their values and priorities, including when it comes to racial and gender diversity.  I am honored to have been asked to lead a comprehensive process to address all aspects of the workplace culture at SPLC, and look forward to working with staff, management and the board to build a workplace at SPLC that will truly reflect respect and safety for all, and the principles that SPLC has long stood for: truth, justice, equity and inclusion.”
About Tina Tchen
Tina Tchen heads Buckley’s Chicago office and leads its Workplace Cultural Compliance practice, counseling organizations on issues related to gender and racial equity, sexual harassment, and structural barriers to diversity and inclusion. She served as Chief of Staff to First Lady Michelle Obama and is a co-founder of the TIME’s UP Legal Defense Fund.