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Known for violent, raging sermons that call for extermination of "the Jews," Wickstrom, who has an extensive criminal history, preached his hatred since his involvement in the 1970s with the anti-Semitic and antigovernment Posse Comitatus. Wickstrom died in March of 2018. In His Own Words "I'd like...
A Hitler fan since age 11, Gary "Gerhard" Lauck, an American with a put-on German accent and Hitlerite moustache, is often referred to as the "Farm Belt Fuhrer." From his home in Lincoln, Neb., Lauck, who also founded the NSDAP/AO (the German language acronym for National Socialist German Workers...
Gritz has warned repeatedly of coming hard times, intermittently bashed Jews and "f------," and, most recently, adopted the virulently anti-Semitic Christian Identity theology. In his own words "I can assure you that if I was ever convinced that it was God's Will for me to commit an act of violence...
At the age of 11, Matt Hale realized he was a white supremacist. He would spend the next two decades involved in white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups while still living in his childhood bedroom. Hale spent years pumping out violent and aggressive propaganda, particularly once he became "Pontifex...
Beam mentored domestic terrorists, popularized the concept of "leaderless resistance," and helped guide the white supremacist movement into the computer age. Criminal History Beam was arrested in the early 1970s in Houston and charged in connection with the bombing of a left-wing Pacifica radio...
Long before he made a name for himself as a neo-Nazi leader, Redfeairn had built an extensive criminal record that included the near-fatal shooting of an Ohio police officer in 1979. By 1992, he was the Ohio state leader for the Aryan Nations, a post he held for six years. He was also a minister in...
In His Own Words "Jewish influence — in the media, business, high finance, and government — has also created a domestic policy that has weakened the racial integrity of White Britain and White America through unchecked non-white immigration — not just through Mexico, but also through our airports...
He had his own cable TV hate program in the 1990s and has led several racist protests over the years in his hometown of Richmond, Va. A long-time and dedicated admirer of former Klansman David Duke, Doggett heads the Virginia chapter of the European American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO), a...
Since pleading guilty to unauthorized use of a motor vehicle in 1992, Mullet has found himself in prison several times. He joined Thom Robb's Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in 1995 and later became involved with the Aryan Nations, a dangerous Christian Identity group with neo-Nazi leanings. After...
Through an organization he co-founded, the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger. Repeated drunk driving arrests in the late 1990s eventually resulted in a lengthy prison sentence for Bertollini, at least temporarily ending his propagandizing. Criminal History In 1998, Bertollini was convicted twice in Idaho...
