The National Alliance's Resistance Records plans to release 'Ethnic Cleansing — The Game.'
Resistance Records, the white power music division of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, plans to release a series of video games beginning this winter. First on the list, due out Jan. 21, is “‘Ethnic Cleansing — The Game’ … Enjoy shooting it out with the m— in this exciting 3-D environment.”
An ad on a Resistance E-list explained the game in early January:
In this game, the Race War has already begun. Your character, Will, runs through a ghetto blasting away at various blacks and spics to attempt to gain entrance to the subway system … where the jews [sic] have hidden to avoid the carnage. Then you get to blow away jews as they scream ‘Oy Vey!’ on your way to the command center.
Next in the series will be “Turner Diaries — The Game,” an adaptation of Alliance boss William Pierce‘s infamous race war fantasy.
At the end of that novel, heroic white supremacists use a combination of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons to destroy most of the non-white nations on earth.
Meanwhile, once again displaying the crude tactics for which it has become infamous, the gay-hating Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, has a new electronic game on its www.godhatesf—.com website: “F— vs. Kids.”
“The object of this game,” explains the site run by the Rev. Fred Phelps and his followers, “is to place exactly 5 sodomites (represented by a pink swastika) and exactly 3 kids (represented by a baby bottle) on the grid … such that none of the sodomites can get their repulsive hands on any of the kids.”
The game is utterly simplistic, requiring at most a few seconds to reach a solution.
More than likely, it is intended more to outrage and win the attention of adults and the press — just as a similar kids’ page from the neo-Nazi World Church of the Creator was — than to affect the minds of the very young.