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Boykin served two years as a commander of Delta Force and participated in some of its most high-profile missions, including the Iran hostage crisis in 1980 and the “Black Hawk Down” firefight in Mogadishu, Somalia, in 1993. That same year, Boykin consulted then-Attorney General Janet Reno on the...
The younger Wildmon had previously run the AFA’s Internet news site. Tim Wildmon depicts gay people as perverted and sinful in frequent online fundraising missives and has urged boycotts of a wide array of gay-friendly corporations. The group’s websites and Wildmon’s daily radio show, “Today’s...
Cooper claims that Sharkhunters is “nonpolitical,” but members of the group include former SS members, neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers, and Cooper has long advertised for new members in neo-Nazi publications. Cooper also is a conspiracy theorist who believes that Hitler did not commit suicide at...
An itinerant neo-Nazi who joined a whole variety of racist groups over the decades and even operated from Estonia for a time, Cobb became known as an especially vicious character who posted horrific videos of things like Russian neo-Nazis beheading immigrants on his Podblanc video-sharing site. But...
In 2009, he began garnering national attention after he was hired by the American Family Association (AFA), which the Southern Poverty Law Center listed as an anti-gay hate group in 2010. Since joining the AFA as director of issue analysis for government and public policy, Fischer has used the...
In his own words “We’re going to be back here, and we’re going to humiliate all of these people who opposed us. We’ll be back here 1,000 times if necessary. I always win. Because I have the will to win, I keep going until I win.” — Interview with, several days after the 2017 “Unite...
While the site remains popular in racist circles today, Black came under criticism in 2008 from other white supremacists for toning down its offensive content and for the claimed renunciation of racism made by his wife, Chloe Black, to a reporter. In his own words "The people that visit Stormfront...
A longtime associate of such hate groups as the white nationalist Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), Abernethy stepped onto the national stage in 2012 as the vice presidential candidate for the racist American Third Position ticket. Her CCC ties drew widespread condemnation of her role as...
Pamela Geller is currently one of the most flamboyant anti-Muslim activists in the United States. Geller relentlessly pushes her Muslim-bashing on her blog, “Atlas Shrugs,” and is also a contributor to the far-right Breitbart News . Geller’s 2010 campaign in opposition to the Park 51 Islamic Center...
As early as 1985, Johnson proposed a constitutional amendment that would revoke the American citizenship of every nonwhite inhabitant of the United States. A quarter century later, in 2010, he was still actively supporting white nationalist causes, serving as chairman of the racist American Third...
