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Walker was appointed to head the group after then-leader Erich Gliebe — who was himself appointed to head the organization immediately after the 2002 death of founder William Pierce — resigned in the midst of continuing infighting and internal scandals. Walker's stint as the group's leader was cut...
David Yerushalmi is a key figure in the U.S. anti-Muslim hate movement who serves as legal counsel to other anti-Muslim groups and individuals such Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy and Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative . He is also the original author behind model anti-...
Stein has complained that today’s immigrants are engaged in “competitive breeding” to diminish the power of the white majority and has campaigned to repeal a 1965 immigration law that ended racial quotas that largely restricted immigration to Europeans. He has also served as editorial adviser for...
A former Reagan administration appointee, he is longtime South Carolina political operative with deep roots in the GOP. He is also a lifetime member and board member of the white nationalist Council of Conservative Citizens. In His Own Words “Why don’t you go back to where you came from? Puerto...
Spencer is one of the most prolific anti-Muslim figures in the United States. An incessant blogger, author and activist, he insists – despite his lack of academic training in Islam – that the religion is inherently violent and that extremists who commit acts of terror are simply following its most...
The group advocates for a complete theocracy governed by Old Testament law. He is an outspoken anti-gay activist who regularly hosts and speaks at Christian-right events. In His Own Words: “The Bible is clear on moral issues that are culture killers: homosexuality, homosexual marriage, and abortion...
He serves as the international director for the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), a direct descendent of the White Citizens Councils that rabidly opposed school desegregation in the 1950s and 1960s. He formerly hosted a daily radio show on Don Black’s racist web forum,...
In His Own Words: “This [New Orleans post-Hurricane Katrina] is a racial tale in black and white. Once again, despite the deluge of negative images of whites and positive images of blacks emanating from Hollywood, media images from the real world feed into implicit stereotypes of whites as...
He is a prolific writer, a former radio host and a fixture on the radical-right speaking circuit, having addressed Klansmen, neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers and neo-Confederates, among others. In His Own Words: “While it is a commonplace for White Europeans and Americans to critically talk in private...
Barton has long promoted the idea, now widely popular among the religious right, that the Founding Fathers never intended the separation of church and state but instead sought to construct a Christian nation. Historians and scholars across the political and religious spectrum have panned Barton’s...
