Screening Selma: The Bridge to the Ballot


Selma: The Bridge to the Ballot is a powerful tool to educate people about the struggle for voting rights and the power of each person to bring about social change. Civic and student groups can use it as part of a voter registration effort, a community screening or other event to engage people in the democratic process. The following resources can help you organize a screening.


Order the Film

Due to limited quantity, the film is only available to individuals and representatives of civic organizations engaged in voting rights efforts.

Community guide

This guide supports a community screening of the film with background information, discussion questions and community resources. It also provides tips for tackling current voting rights issues in your community.

Quick start guide

Are you pressed for time to host a screening? This one-page, quick start guide provides information about how to promote your screening, spark discussion and take action.


Sample press release

This press release can be easily adapted to promote your group’s screening to local media.

Poster and flyer

These promotional materials for the film can be downloaded and printed to advertise your event.

Social media posts and tweet

Spread the word on social media about your screening with this Facebook post and tweet.


Let the SPLC know how things went at your screening. It can help ensure groups across the nation successfully use the film to raise awareness about voting rights issues. We would also love to see photos from your event! You can report on your screening here.