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Impact Report

2022 was the Southern Poverty Law Center’s 51st year fighting for a multiracial, inclusive democracy. While our opponents grow more vocal, the SPLC continues evolving and expanding to meet their hate with our collective resolve. Your partnership helps keep us strong. As you’ll see in our 2022 Impact Report below, we leveraged our legal, advocacy, education and community partnership efforts to pursue our four main goals: Strengthening Democracy, Fighting White Supremacy, Eradicating Poverty and Reducing Incarceration. These are bold areas of impact for the bold future we envision: a world in which everyone can thrive.


We are grateful for your support. If we are to move closer to our goals of dismantling white supremacy, strengthening intersectional movements, and advancing the human rights of all people, we must remain united in our vision for a just nation.

We celebrate the hard-fought victories that we have accomplished together with our supporters. Our efforts are making real and sustainable changes in the communities we serve.

Yet, despite this progress, we are facing a critical moment for our democracy and country . We must continue pushing back against the onslaught of exclusionary and anti-democratic legislation in the Deep South: bills criminalizing and silencing LGBTQ+ youth, voter suppression bills, attacks on public education and free speech, and more.

We recognize that these harmful measures are just the latest backlash to our movement for justice and equity and to our shared success in dismantling white supremacy, strengthening intersectional movements, and advancing the human rights of all people.

It is only through the moral and financial support of individuals like you that we can continue moving forward. And we are profoundly grateful for the critical role you play in your local community to create a truly just society where everyone can thrive.

Local activism is critical, so hold your elected leaders accountable when they attempt to roll back civil rights in your community (SPLC Action Fund). And start conversations in your community about the impacts of racism and help us stop white nationalism from spreading. Use these resources to get started:

We hope you will continue to help us build communities of care that reflect our nation’s highest ideals.


Download the Report (PDF)


Read more about our work:

Combat hate and extremism through the SPLC’s Intelligence Project.

Support anti-bias, anti-racist communities through the SPLC’s Learning for Justice program.

Seek equitable justice through the SPLC’s litigation teams: Criminal Justice Reform, Children’s Rights, Economic Justice Project, Immigrant Justice Project, Voting Rights, and LGBTQ Rights and Special Litigation.