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In Their Own Words “They’re grooming them to be gay. This is a real thing – they are grooming your children so they can molest and abuse them.” – FEC United leader Joe Oltmann on his March 15, 2022, podcast. “You know, if you’re involved in election fraud, then you deserve to hang. Sometimes the...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
In Their Own Words “Just because jihadis are not currently blowing themselves up in U.S. malls or schools or storming the gates of military posts (today), Americans should still pay attention to what the most prominent Islamic organizations in America and their suit-wearing jihadi leaders are doing...
The group has targeted New England’s immigrant, LGBTQ+, and Jewish communities, as well as antifascist and other left-leaning activists. Its leader, Christopher Hood, and many of its members have faced criminal charges, in some cases related to their racist activism. The group rose to prominence on...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
In Its Own Words “We had them completely surrounded. I hit like 5 people.” — RAM member Benjamin Drake Daley, 25, of Redondo Beach, California, referring to the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017 in a social media chat on Aug. 11, 2017 “Death to antifa!” — RAM...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
The Proud Boys’ actions belie their disavowals of bigotry: Rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at...
Formed as the “tactical defense arm” of the Proud Boys, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK) has become an accelerant for violence at right-wing rallies. The group’s founder, repeat-felon Kyle Chapman, organized FOAK after a melee with counter-protestors in Berkeley, California, to “protect...
In its own words “If these people make it to here, it’s going to be a war in our own country and it’s coming. We’re going to have a war on the border.” – Larry Hopkins (Johnny Horton Jr.), “United Constitutional Patriots Radio Live Stream,” YouTube, April 1, 2019 “These people (migrants) obviously...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Founded by Stephen McNallen in Northern California, the AFA reached 24 U.S.-based chapters , or kindreds, in 2021 with numerous other chapters around the world. Members of the AFA subscribe to a belief that pre-Christian Norse and Germanic religions can only be practiced by individuals with...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Made up of small, terroristic cells, The Base believes society should be pushed to collapse so a white ethnostate can arise out of the ruins. It is not an organization that seeks to build popular appeal. Instead, groups like The Base seek to inspire a small number of actors to commit themselves...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
The Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) was a neo-Nazi group that advocated for racially pure nations and communities and blamed Jews for many of the world’s problems. The group was intimately allied with other prominent neo-Nazi and other hard-line racist organizations espousing unvarnished white...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
The group is notable for its violent antisemitic rhetoric, its racist views and its policy allowing members of other racist groups to join NSM while remaining members of other groups. NSM became the largest membership-based neo-Nazi group in this country through the 2000s and into the following...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Known for its accusations that a shadowy “Muslim Brotherhood” has infiltrated all levels of government and warnings that “creeping Sharia,” or Islamic religious law, is a threat to American democracy, Center for Security Policy (CSP) founder Frank Gaffney has called for Congressional hearings along...