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In his own words “We’re going to be back here, and we’re going to humiliate all of these people who opposed us. We’ll be back here 1,000 times if necessary. I always win. Because I have the will to win, I keep going until I win.” — Interview with, several days after the 2017 “Unite...
In his own words: “In my ethnostate, I would exclude, as a rule of thumb, non-whites, non-Europeans, wherever, however you want to define them. So, that includes blacks. We keep getting back to blacks, but we’ve got to throw in Han Chinese, have to throw in Amerindians, people who are distinctly...
Mike Peinovich, more commonly known by his pseudonym “Mike Enoch,” is the founder of The Right Stuff (TRS) and a co-host of the Daily Shoah, a seminal podcast of the Alt-Right . Peinovich was doxed in January of 2017 and has since become one of the most recognizable white nationalist voices,...
In his own words “America was founded by white people. It was founded for white people. America was not founded to be a multiracial, multicultural society. The founders were well aware of the importance that identity played in the make-up of a nation. And how fundamental it was to the future...
Through his nightly “America First” show and his America First Foundation, Fuentes has stated his aim is to remake the Republican Party into “a truly reactionary party.” In livestreams and public appearances, Fuentes has described his goal as working within the political system to become “the right...
The pugnacious college student also spearheaded anti-immigrant and anti-gay campaigns organized by Young Americans for Freedom, prompting the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to take the unusual step of listing the campus club as a hate group. In His Own Words: “Trump’s Wall is humanitarian...
Allsup built his brand on base, reactionary conservative tropes, appealing to Donald Trump's supporters, and creating "triggering" videos, before fully descending into the white nationalist politics of the alt-right. Allsup has spoken at alt-right events such as Richard Spencer’s Free Speech Rally...
Through books, articles and podcasts, Counter-Currents is the flag-bearer of what Johnson calls the “North American New Right,” a concept whose main objective is to legitimize the idea of a white ethnostate. Despite professing that it is aimed only toward those whose IQ is superior to 120, Counter-...
Taylor is the founder of the New Century Foundation and edited its now-discontinued American Renaissance magazine, which, despite its pseudo-academic polish, regularly published proponents of eugenics and blatant anti-black and anti-Latino racists. After the last print issue of American Renaissance...
In his words “Heather Heyer was a fat, disgusting Communist. Communists have killed 94 million. Looks like it was payback time.” — August 19, 2017 “Like Black Lives Matter , militant Islam exists as a call to action for the violent rage some minorities feel towards the white majority.” — From Jason...
Brad Griffin is the proprietor of Occidental Dissent (OD), a blog devoted to white nationalism. Griffin has reported on the movement’s happenings — from street demonstrations to infighting — with a dedication that has yielded him one of the most loyal followings among white nationalist websites...
A scathing critic of “cultural Marxism” — once an actual school of socialist thought but now a bogeyman to radical rightists who see it as a secret conspiracy to destroy Western society from within — Paul Ramsey is a white nationalist who posts Internet videos of himself talking to the camera under...
His show has featured a wide roster of white supremacists, anti-Semites and other extremists, such as the longtime Klan leader David Duke and Holocaust denier Willis Carto. Its mission statement says it “stands for the Dispossessed Majority” and is “pro-white.” In His Own Words: “A lot of their...
Following his graduation in the spring of 2013, Towson University’s White Student Union was folded into the Traditionalist Youth Network (TYN), a white nationalist organization that cloaked itself in “traditionalism” that was founded by Heimbach and his father-in-law, Matthew Parrott. TYN later...
Kevin DeAnna’s Youth for Western Civilization (YWC) – a far-right youth organization that he ran from 2006 to 2012 – served as the institutional basis for the web-savvy white nationalist movement that would come to be known as the “alt-right.” While DeAnna faded from the public eye in 2012 after...
Peter Brimelow’s career as an anti-immigrant proponent spans three decades. He’s been one of the leading voices in the movement since the mid-1990s. The former Forbes editor and National Review columnist founded VDARE in 1999, and the site soon became a haven for anti-immigrant and white...