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Fear Rising

Fear Rising


Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

When Heath Campbell appeared in Hunterdon County (N.J.) Family Court on June 3 to fight for the right to visit his 18-month-old son, he had one goal in mind: prove he is a fit father who deserves a second chance. To bolster his chances, the 40-year-old Holland, N.J., man dressed for success — in a Nazi uniform decorated with medals, a swastika armband, and shiny, knee-high leather boots.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

The anti-immigrant lobby has long enjoyed influence in Washington but in recent years has been forced to defend itself against charges that it represents the narrow interests of white nationalists who fear the “browning” of America.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

A New Hampshire state legislator who made national headlines when she claimed the federal government was behind the April 15 bombing at the Boston Marathon resigned from office on June 20, claiming she wanted to spend more time with her elderly parents.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 22, 2013

More than 250,000 Americans over the age of 12 are victimized each year by hate criminals, and the vast majority of these vicious, mostly violent crimes go unreported, concludes a study released in March by the U.S. Department of Justice.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

April was a difficult month for Earl Silverman. Beset by financial difficulties, he shut the doors of the shelter for battered men that he had operated out of his home in Alberta, Canada, for three years. Then he sold the house, packed his belongings, and hung himself in his garage — a victim, wrote Harry Crouch of the U.S.-based National Coalition for Men, of “murder by disinterest by the Feminist State of Canada.”

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

In a widely quoted comment published in the Republican National Committee’s election postmortem earlier this year, arch-conservative politician Dick Armey had this to say about the GOP’s approach to immigration issues: “You can’t call someone ugly and expect them to go to the prom with you. We’ve chased the Hispanic voter out of his natural home” in the party.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

Updates On Extremism and The Law

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

Sharkhunters International, run by a ‘nonpolitical’ Floridian, takes its members to see all the glories of the Nazi era

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

Losing at home, U.S. religious-right groups are working furiously to keep gay sex criminalized in Belize and beyond

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

The antigovernment plot began with a video game. Soon, two people were dead. In the end, there was only human wreckage

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

Video blogger and Internet sensation Ramzpaul delights white nationalists and racists but calls himself a satirist

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

In recent months, two former racist activists, one of them well known, have quit the movement. Their stories are instructive

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

Tim Murdock sits atop an online cult, spreading fears of ‘white genocide’ that have fueled violence and terrorism

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

Andreas Strassmeir was once a giant figure in U.S. conspiracy theorists’ circles. Now he’s back, but this time in miniature.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 21, 2013

Incidents of apparent hate crimes and hate group activities listed here are drawn primarily from media sources.