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Hatewatch Headlines – 5/7/14

Talking Points Memo: Charlie Crist says he became a Democrat because of the racism endemic to the Republican Party’s Obama haters.

ABC News: Tea Party protesters turn up at California high school where students were told to reverse American flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo.

Right Wing Watch: HGTV picks two well-known anti-gay, anti-choice extremists to host new reality show – Flip Benham’s twin sons.

DiversityInc: Utah House member calls NAACP “racist” because it only works to advance a subset of the population, then apologizes.

Raw Story: “Sovereign citizen” in Minnesota claims she doesn’t have to pay taxes because she’s a citizen of the “Kingdom of Heaven”.

SFGate: California Republican gubernatorial primary turns ugly (and stupid) when candidate claims Hindu candidate intends to enforce “Sharia law”.

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