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Hatewatch Headlines 9-10-14

Right Wing Watch: Ben Carson explains that to understand President Obama, you need to read Mein Kampf.

Orlando Sentinel: Domestic-terrorism trial of American Front leader Marcus Faella opens with jury selection.

BuzzFeed: Arizona schools chief who banned Mexican-American studies and disparaged Latinos is ousted.

WBMA-TV (Birmingham): Tensions rising in Adamsville, Ala., over planned Ku Klux Klan ‘Fall Fest’ event.

Media Matters: Why is a state historical society honoring a discredited book about Matthew Shepard?

Courthouse News Service: Allegedly corrupt FLDS border-town police force kept intact, under close scrutiny.

Patheos: Evangelical website CharismaNews article calls for conversion, deportation, sterilization, and death of Muslims.

Think Progress: Georgia state senator complains that voting is too convenient for black people.

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