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Hatewatch Headlines 12/10/15

Colorado shooter a ‘warrior for the babies’; Scalia attacks Affirmative Action; ‘Anti-racist’ legislation is abortion ban in racist disguise; and more.

Crooks and Liars: Planned Parenthood shooter declares in court, ‘I am a warrior for the babies!’

Media Matters: Right-wing media ignore FBI warning, minimize the threat of violence against abortion providers.

Talking Points Memo: Justice Antonin Scalia opines that Affirmative Action sends blacks to schools too advanced for them.

Towleroad: Two men arrested as suspects in Dallas may not be responsible for string of gay-bashing assaults.

Raw Story: Missouri man says his hanging noose with a Confederate flag is actually a knot-tying lesson and ‘not racist at all.’

PIX-11 (New York City): Man beats Muslim store owner, police investigate attack as hate crime.

NDTV: Sikh Gurdwara in Los Angeles suburb hit with anti-ISIS graffiti in suspected hate crime.

Think Progress: Supposedly ‘anti-racist’ Arizona legislation is actually an attempt to ban abortion based on racist stereotypes.

Salon: The far right’s frightening fantasy of a coming revolution and how it blocks any action on guns.

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