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Hatewatch Headlines 1/8/2016

Oregon militiaman drinks up the money; Trump has his own solution for standoff; Alex Jones foresees gun-owner roundups; and more.

Raw Story: Tearful militiaman discovers cohort at Oregon standoff drank away their donation money.

Kansas City Star: Experts say Oregon standoff may be small, but it’s the tip of a growing militia iceberg.

Reuters: Pizza, paranoia, and ‘psychological warfare’ are all part of a night spent inside the Oregon takeover.

Talking Points Memo: Donald Trump says that if he were president, he would just tell Oregon militia ‘You gotta get out.’

Portland Press Herald: Maine’s Gov. LePage makes racially charged comments about big-city drug dealers.

Media Matters: CNN’s S.E. Cupp suggests President Obama is behind a conspiracy to ban guns.

Think Progress: Georgia lawmakers to push pair of anti-LGBT ‘religious liberty’ bills.

Right Wing Watch: Alex Jones warns that gun owners will be rounded and forced into ghettos like Jews in Nazi Germany.

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