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Hatewatch Headlines 4/9/2018

Trump caters to anti-immigrant extremists; Reddit ads make money from hate speech; Attomwaffen loses some of its platforms; and more.

Right Wing Watch: Trump caters to anti-immigrant extremists with calls to militarize the border.

The Guardian: I went inside a right-wing safe space to find out the truth about universities.

Quartz: Why doesn’t Reddit crack down harder on hate speech? Maybe because it makes a lot of ad money.

ProPublica: Attomwaffen, extremist group linked to five murders, loses some of its platforms.

Think Progress: Leaked chatroom transcripts reveal Traditional Worker Party’s violent ideology.

The Spectator USA: The slow-motion fall of Milo Yiannopoulos.

Media Matters: NRA’s Ted Nugent compares Democrats to rabid coyotes: ‘Every time you see one, you shoot one.’

Rewire: Memphis-based journalist taken into ICE custody after arrest while covering protest.

Los Angeles Times: Fountain Valley to sign on to anti-immigrant group’s suit against state ‘sanctuary’ status.

MSN: Latino gang members admit to firebombing black families in Los Angeles housing development.

Sun-Sentinel (Orlando, FL): Florida Atlantic students riled as professor blames slavery on blacks.

Deadspin: Indians fans taunt, mock, and scream at Native American protesters outside home opener.

BuzzFeed: How a hoax about Muslims wanting to ban dogs in public just won’t die.

Dallas Morning News: Muslim woman in Houston stabbed in apparent hate-driven roadside attack.

Talking Points Memo: Alabama student group that’s hosting white nationalist also promoted anti-Semite.

Pink News: Anti-LGBT county clerk Kim Davis files briefs asking people to stop suing her.

Salon: What it’s like to grow up with racists in white America, and what we should think of them now.

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