A law enforcement figure associated with the extremist “constitutional sheriff” ideology will serve as an adviser for the anti-immigrant hate group Federation for American Immigration Reform, according to an announcement in October.
Hatewatch monitors and exposes the activities of the American radical right.
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A law enforcement figure associated with the extremist “constitutional sheriff” ideology will serve as an adviser for the anti-immigrant hate group Federation for American Immigration Reform, according to an announcement in October.
Five years ago today, we kicked off the Hatewatch blog with a post marking the fifth anniversary of the July 23, 2002, death of William Luther Pierce, the founder and leader of what for three decades was the most important hate group in America.
Former Arizona state Senate President Russell Pearce, the author of his state’s draconian anti-immigrant law, S.B. 1070, is notorious for making outrageous claims about the supposed dangers posed by immigrants – both documented and not.