Content warning: This article contains graphic language, including hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric. Reader discretion is advised.
Hatewatch monitors and exposes the activities of the American radical right.
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Content warning: This article contains graphic language, including hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric. Reader discretion is advised.
Neo-Nazis adopt an unsuspecting Swift; Bundy attorney argue charges are illegal; Boykin rehired after right browbeats college; and more.
Antigovernment movement on the rise; Trump’s rhetoric linked to anti-Latino violence; U.S. neo-Nazis turn to Russian version of Facebook; and more.
Oklahoma bill makes abortions a felony; White nationalists claim Trump delegate status; Girl testifies against Minuteman founder; and more.
Mark Krikorian, the longtime leader of the anti-immigrant movement’s leading think tank, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is scheduled to testify today before the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and National Interest.
How fascism comes to America; Kobach ordered to register thousands; Bush has praise for a hate group; and more.
Firearms charges are pending against a man described as a “notorious white supremacist” with a Hitler-style mustache who was arrested last weekend in New Jersey.
Mississippi school district ordered to desegregate; Facing up to the radical right and Trump; Woman harassed in Walmart bathroom; and more.
The Council for National Policy, a highly secretive group, is a key venue where mainstream conservatives and extremists mix.
ADF aims at outlawing gay sex; Texas GOP adopts far-right platform; Breitbart attacks Kristol as ‘renegade Jew’; and more.
Trump predicts terror attack by refugees; Montana candidate an outspoken nationalist; Perkins wants Obama impeached; and more.