Content warning: This article contains graphic language, including hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric. Reader discretion is advised.
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Content warning: This article contains graphic language, including hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric. Reader discretion is advised.
In June, Tennessee white supremacists announced that Confederate Blood & Honour (C28) was reforming after a five year hiatus.
It took a week of contentious back-and-forth with Auburn University and a last-minute federal judge ruling in his favor, but white nationalist Richard Spencer finally had his chance to speak.
A pro-Trump rally last month in southern California was attended by several individuals subsequently identified as apparent skinhead members of a new neo-Nazi skinhead “fight club.”
Matthew Heimbach, head of the white nationalist and anti-Semitic Traditionalist Worker’s Party, has always been a movement gadfly. Neo-Nazis, racist skinheads, Klansmen –– there hasn’t been a racist or nationalist group with which he will not ally –– no matter what. But a fixture at Hammerfest?
A longtime white supremacist skinhead, with a criminal record that stretches back 20 years, faces a sentence of life in prison after pleading guilty to a 2015 Arizona shooting spree that left one man dead and five others wounded.
Neo-Nazis advertised a white-power rock show to be followed by a march into gay neighborhood, but they never showed up to face the hundreds who turned out to protest their plans.