Content warning: This article contains graphic language, including hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric. Reader discretion is advised.
Hatewatch monitors and exposes the activities of the American radical right.
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Content warning: This article contains graphic language, including hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric. Reader discretion is advised.
Authorities in Florida are attempting to determine the source of racist letters—one containing a noose—mailed to a state prosecutor who announced her opposition to the death penalty while handling a high-profile cop-killing case.
The renaissance of intellectual racism; DREAM student deportation shocks immigrants; How Trump administration puts Islam on trial; and more.
Hate crimes’ devastating effects on its victims can be lasting; Global far-right alliance is forming; Alex Jones insists he’s still the real deal, not a fake; and more.
Trump signs bill that would strip Planned Parenthood funds; Arpaio wants Sessions to testify at trial; ‘New Right’ looks a lot like the alt-right; and more.
Sovereign citizens are a diverse group of individuals whose activities and motives vary, but whose core tenets are the typically the same. They view United States citizenship, established government, authority and institutions as illegitimate and consider themselves immune from and therefore above the law.
On April 3, Mississippi State University [MSU] is hosting a guest lecturer who will speak on carbon dating techniques used to determine the age of artifacts. The evening’s invited guest lecturer is none other than Kent Hovind, also known as Dr. Dino or, Inmate Number 06452017.
Anti-immigration hardliners’ roots in eugenics; North Carolina strikes ‘bathroom bill’ deal; Ex-Dem senators helped advise Gaffney group; and more.
In what may be the largest joint prosecution of sovereign citizens, authorities are bringing a 320-count criminal indictment against 10 of the antigovernment activists just arrested after a year-long investigation in Tennessee.
Christopher Byrne, a felon and self-proclaimed sovereign citizen — was indicted by a federal court on March 8, 2017 He is charged with illegally possessing weapons and ammunition, which police discovered when they pulled him over in a mall parking lot in Greenwood, Indiana.
While the new administration focuses on Muslim refugees and immigrants, the most lethal terrorism threat of recent years is homegrown, and most often comes from right-wing radicals.