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Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
September 15, 1999

Read a timeline of events in the Church of the Creator's history, from its 1973 founding.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
September 15, 1999

Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols could receive a new trial.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
September 15, 1999

The interaction of extremism and mainstream politics, as well as the bloody crime spree by WCOTC member Benjamin Smith.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
September 15, 1999

Aryan Nations security chief Jesse Warfield has been sentenced to five years in prison.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
September 15, 1999

After the Jewish heritage of the neo-Nazi Knights of Freedom's leader is uncovered, Davis Wolfgang Hawke and his group encounter scorn across the extremist right.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
September 15, 1999

In several states, the justice system is cracking down on cross burnings.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
September 15, 1999

Abortion protester James 'Atomic Dog' Kopp has been indicted in the slaying of abortion doctor Barnett Slepian.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
September 15, 1999

'Aryan' revolutionary Chevie Kehoe gets life in prison for his role in a terrorist, murdering crime spree.


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