The "Hollywood Nazis" of the National Socialist Movement have imploded in a debacle featuring hate-radio jocks, anti-racist provocateurs, superhuman egos, allegations of underage sex, and Satan.
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The Intelligence Report is the Southern Poverty Law Center's award-winning magazine. The biannual publication provides comprehensive updates to law enforcement agencies, the media and the general public. Subscribe here.
The "Hollywood Nazis" of the National Socialist Movement have imploded in a debacle featuring hate-radio jocks, anti-racist provocateurs, superhuman egos, allegations of underage sex, and Satan.
Two books -- one by a liberal and the other from a conservative -- warn that America is in danger of becoming a theocracy.
Arkansas State Sen. Jim Holt's claim that '10,000 studies' showed gays make bad parents went unchallenged on NPR. Holt later said he got the number from Focus on the Family founder James Dobson.
Davis Wolfgang Hawke disappeared from the white supremacist scene, only surfacing years later in a new role: an Internet spammer who sold millions of dollars' worth of bogus penis-enlargement pills.
The East Bay Coalition for Border Security claims on its website to be "a racially diverse organization" with "NO ROOM for Racists, Socialists, or Communists!"
Forty members of Congress wrote U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in late July, asking that he launch an investigation into racist extremists in the military and discharge soldiers involved in racist activities or groups.
The son of former Klan leader Jeff Berry and a friend have been charged in a brutal beating that left Berry in critical condition, effectively ending recent efforts to resuscitate the group in Indiana.
National Alliance Chairman Shaun Walker was indicted on June 9 and charged with conspiracy to deprive non-whites of their rights with violence and intimidation.
Police and federal agents in Missouri began looking into American neo-Nazi Alex Linder in late July, after his Vanguard News Network (VNN) website said it would be patriotic to murder a judge and several others in Canada.
Pedro Varela, former head of one of Europe's oldest and most active neo-Nazi groups, was arrested in northeast Spain and charged with defending genocide. Police seized 5,000 copies of some 20 books at Varela's Europa bookstore in Barcelona.